Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Here is a long distance handshake from down the majestic place; Udaipur.
The globetrotter, that is me, Vijay Shah was brought here by God and to it helped me in my first step to break illusions--simplifying process, difficult indeed.
Illusions to me is fission--whereby one dissipates one's energy.
Finites are many while 'infinite' is the one and fusion with infinite gives infinite pleasure.
Above all, infinity+/- 'x' or 'y' or'z'= infinity--a simple mathematical formula, matter of commonsense for all those who are not with mathematics.
What I mean that once you fuse into that 'infinite' --nothing affects you.
You are above all and you are all then.
well, lets go back as why I took to Blog writting?
The process, I first ask an expert friend of mine as how I go about it.
He said ,I go to geocities of yahoo, I can get a free page but then 'no identity'.
This is precisely what I wanted-- no identity, no EGO...vanishing 'I' suited this proposal.
but at the same time, they say, you can make money-- I said I don't really need as I have enough for remaining life!
But then I hit upon an article in The Economic Times--bolgs for 'networking' around the world with right kind of people--the way for getting to know like minded people. To enhance creativity and get into intellectual debate.
blogs are not just the ways for talking but listening-- I have always remained a student.
metamorphosis has taken place and i would seek people who have understood limitations of mind, those who can go back to childhood, even a step further--go into'mother's womb---where child is not doing anything , someone does everything for it.
Innerjoureneys are my tours now...
I had sittings, trainings with famed people like OSHO, Maheshyagi, Sri Sri Ravishankar et al
They are talked of ways of meditations...still the mind...frankly speaking , i just could never still my mind.
This is where fusion is called for!!
As long as that'I' lingers, how can one be still.
Thus I didn't want any identity.
I want people who can keep 'minds' aside and fuse with that infinite--Almighty.
Go back in Mother's womb, Mother's eyes are like that of a fish--it always sees one who takes to her lap.
here you go, sounds very simple but then it takes a moment to realise...and for some lives after lives.
those who want to journey along with me, welcome.
As I was going through various ways, it appeared , hey, here is the 'end' but as I approach, there was a 'bend' end ...every end turning into a bend.
I could then hit upon the theory of fusion.
be infinite.
And always remain in the state of 'sat-chit-ananda'!!
I have not yet reached that state of mind though Almighty appeared in between to assure me that I am on the right path --move on ,move on--'charaivati-chariavati'.
I had always had felt that I am the most misunderstood person and all alone, but then God is always with me..these experiences I shall narrat in coming up blogs.

Till then ,Bye.

Vijay Shah
+912942452380/ CELL +9352515739[BETTER WRITE TO ME AS I AM ALMOST DEAF, --soon getting into the lonely world of silence--AND OVER THE PHONE ,YOU WOULD BE PUT TO INCONVINIENCE]